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Ambient Air Cleaners by IAP

May 18, 2020
ambient air cleaner IAP

Ambient Air Cleaners

IAP offers Ambient Air Cleaners for purifying the air. These can be used in offices, schools, restaurants, hospitals, industrial facilities and many more places!

  • The A-1100 units are designed for use in smaller spaces such as personal work shops, offices, lobbies.
  • A-1100-1/4HP-1P-HE, HEPA filter and available in White
  • 1100 cfm, 1/4 HP, 110V/1
  • Dimensions: 20” x 15” x 44”
  • The A-2500 units can be used individually in smaller spaces, or in multiples for larger areas to establish positive airflow patterns that will enhance the effectiveness of the units.
  • A-2500-3/4HP-1P-HE, HEPA filter in White
  • Dimensions: 24” x 24” x 59”


Optional Needlepoint Bipolar Ionization (NPBI)

IAP is offering a new system for our Ambient units. This is a proven patented technology that delivers clean indoor air that is safe and healthy.

Our Ambient Air Cleaners now have an option to add NPBI technology. These ionizers can be installed at the factory as an option on the “clean air side” of any of our A-1100 or A-2500 units. The filters in our units will continue to provide “active” filtration of the dirty air passing through them, while the ionizer projects ions via the exhaust air to provide “passive” air filtration outside of the unit. The ions produced travel within the air stream into the occupied spaces, cleaning the air everywhere the ions travel, even in spaces unseen.

The Needlepoint Bipolar Ionization (NPBI) technology is UL approved.

How it works

The NPBI technology works to safely clean the air inside your building. The patented technology uses an electronic charge to create a plasma field filled with a high concentration of + and – ions that replicate those commonly found in nature. As these ions travel with the air stream they attach to particles, pathogens and gases/odors. As the ions attach to airborne particles (including fine, sub-micron particles) they are then attracted to each other, making the particulate more easily filterable and increasing capture efficiency. The ions kill pathogens by robbing them of life-sustaining hydrogen. The ions breakdown harmful gases/odors into harmless compounds like O2, CO2, N2, and H2O.

Pathogen awareness and mitigation have become the highest of priorities as it relates to our personal safety and that of our customers and their employees. Currently there is no information available that shows the NPBI has been tested and proven to kill the COVID-19 virus specifically, however, there is still something you can offer:


  • The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has enacted a “hierarchy-based” policy, which means that if a company’s product has been found to be effective against harder-to-kill viruses, it is likely to kill a virus like COVID-19.


What type of virus is COVID-19?


  • Viruses can be generally categorized in three groups by virus structure:
  • Enveloped viruses – Easiest to kill (Examples: Influenza A and Coronaviruses)
  • Large, non-enveloped viruses – More difficult to kill (Example: Rotavirus)
  • Small, non-enveloped viruses – Hardest to kill (Examples: Norovirus and Rhinovir


How does this relate to our new NBPI offering?


  • The patented NPBI technology being utilized in our Ambient units has a documented kill rate on Norovirus of 93.5% (3rd party testing below).
  • Since Norovirus is a harder to kill virus than COVID-19, it can be inferred that NPBI technology is likely to kill COVID-19.
  • Microbiologists have suggested that NPBI technology would kill Coronavirus at a higher rate; however, only testing will confirm.
  • Testing for effectiveness in killing the COVID-19 virus is currently underway at a 3rd party lab, with results expected by May/June 2020.


NPBI technology

Through NPBI, our products purify the air by eliminating airborne particulates, pathogens, and gases/odors.

IAP offers Ambient Air Cleaners for purifying the air. These can be used in offices, schools, restaurants, hospitals, industrial facilities and many more places!

These units have recently been offered with Needlepoint Bipolar Ionization (NPBI). The NPBI technology works to safely clean the air inside your building. The patented technology produces ions that travel within the air stream into the occupied spaces, cleaning the air everywhere the ions travel, even in spaces unseen. Since our introduction of these units we have been anxiously awaiting on test results as to exactly how effective this technology will be in killing the COVID-19 virus.

We are happy to report the results…..

In 30 minutes, 99.4% of the viral particles became inactive. Even better news is that this technology is the only one currently on the market that was tested with the actual COVID-19 virus (SARS-CoV-2) that causes the COVID-19 illness. 

The NPBI is available on IAP Ambient Units:
ambient air cleaner

IAP A-1100

  • These units are designed for use in smaller spaces such as personal work shops, offices, lobbies.
  • A-1100-1/4HP-1P-HE, HEPA filter and available in White
  • 1100 cfm, 1/4 HP, 110V/1
  • Dimensions: 20” x 15” x 44”

ambient air cleaner

IAP A-2500

  • These units can be used individually in smaller spaces, or in multiples for larger areas to establish positive airflow patterns that will enhance the effectiveness of the units.
  • A-2500-3/4HP-1P-HE, HEPA filter in White
  • 2500 cfm, 3/4HP, 110V/1
  • Dimensions: 24” x 24” x 59”

The filters in our units will continue to provide “active” filtration of the dirty air passing through them, while the ionizer projects ions via the exhaust air to provide “passive” air filtration outside of the unit. 

The Needlepoint Bipolar Ionization (NPBI) technology is UL approved.

ambient air cleaner testing

How it works 

The patented technology uses an electronic charge to create a plasma field filled with a high concentration of + and – ions that replicate those commonly found in nature. As these ions travel with the air stream they attach to particles, pathogens and gases/odors. As the ions attach to airborne particles (including fine, sub-micron particles) they are then attracted to each other, making the particulate more easily filterable and increasing capture efficiency. The ions kill pathogens by robbing them of life-sustaining hydrogen. The ions breakdown harmful gases/odors into harmless compounds like O2, CO2, N2, and H2O.

Pathogen awareness and mitigation have become the highest of priorities as it relates to our personal safety and that of our customers and their employees.


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